Before we dive into today’s post (which I know you’re going to love), I wanted to clear the air.
A few weeks ago I shared a post and it received the most negative comments I have ever had on this site. It was the first time that I’ve actually felt a backlash for sharing my content. Not only was it surprising, but honestly it was also hurtful.
Now I’m not saying that I need you to sing my praises after every recipe or post that I share – I would never want or expect that from you. But that doesn’t mean that when I get negative or mean spirited comments that it doesn’t eat at me or hurt me. I work really hard to develop recipes you will enjoy and that will make your life easier, healthier and happier. That’s the whole reason I’m here doing what I do.
My goal is to create a space online where we can come together and share our love for great food, laugh at funny things that happen in life, celebrate our food intolerances, and most importantly, be truly happy. I never want anyone to come here and be upset, or annoyed, or frustrated, or feel any negative emotions whatsoever. It pains me to just think about that.
The negativity on this post in particular wasn’t about the recipe, it was the fact that I was wrote (what we as food bloggers call) a “teaser” post to a recipe I was sharing on another blog. These types of posts are common in food blogging and are basically a preview of a guest post that you have shared somewhere else online. So I share a few photos, tell you about the recipe and then link over to the full recipe on the site that is hosting me.
What’s the point of them? Well there are a few value-adds for all of us:
1) You don’t ever miss out on a recipe, even if the recipe isn’t directly on my site.
2) You may be introduced to another blogger that you absolutely adore and start following on your own. I mean, who doesn’t need more recipes, right?
3) I get to strengthen my friendship with other bloggers. It’s no lie that blogging can feel a tad lonely sometimes, even with all of you, my fabulous internet friends. It’s nice to connect with like-minded people and guest posting is a great way to do that.
4) This community grows, which in turn means I can put even more back into it and make this the ultimate resource for quinoa-related content on the internet! The larger our community, the more resources we have to help us get better and stronger.
What about the cons?
Yes, it’s true; you do have to click one or two extra links to get a recipe. Yes, it’s true; you might be taken to a blog that you are unfamiliar, with which can be uncomfortable. Yes, it’s true; I am trying to grow this community of quinoa-lovers and reach a bigger audience.
But don’t all the pros outweigh those cons? Wouldn’t you rather see a recipe that fits your dietary needs than not see one at all? My thought is that you would, but please be honest…if it’s not, tell me. Leave me a comment on this post and let me know what you think; I’m being completely transparent here and I would ask for the same from you
Now I know not all of you may not be down with what I’m about to do, but in the interest of sharing a spectacular new recipe with you, I thought it would be worth it. (depending on how the comments swing on this post, this could change in the future)
I shared these quinoa crab cakes on, and I have to say they’re one of my favorite recipes yet. You can make them with fresh or canned crab, and the taste is just out of this world. They’re much healthier than the crab cakes you’d find at the store (the lack of breadcrumbs helps there), but definitely don’t skimp on that traditional flavor. They’re soft, succulent and juicy. And totally deserve a giant dollop of fresh avocado crema on top.
To get this full recipe, head on over to Rachel’s blog. And browse a few more of her recipes – you’re going to love her creativity and charm. She’s a fabulous cook, always with a healthy spin.
And please, I’d love to get your feedback on guest posting. Do you not want me to share these posts with you? Would you rather not see the recipe at all? Or do you enjoy being able to not only explore new recipes, but also new blogs and websites? Leave a comment and let me know! (and please, even if you feel negatively about this type of post, don’t be mean spirited)